Friday, February 12, 2010

Imprisonment (jail) for Actor Sanjay Dutt—know Astrologically

1. It was 31st July, 2007 the fateful day for Actor Shri Sanjay Dutt who was sentenced for 6 years rigorous imprisonment with immediate gist as per inform dated Ist August, 2007.

2. The native’s birth day fell on 29th July, but planet forces played their part.
3. Who is dominant –Your karma or your stars- Both are equally important. Astrologically, when intense times come, the autochthonous is extremity to suffer. Be that as it may movie stars (planets) are not favourable, the autochthonous is extremity to suffer.

4. Nobody is above accumulation and can not reap the benefits not destined by stars (Horoscope). The nonachievement or a intense deed (unlawful) was performed about 14 years (1993 Bombay blast case) and the suffering today in 2007 though earlier the autochthonous had movie about months in jail.

5. While delivering the judgment, Justice P.D. Kode inter-allia, observed that ‘Sanjay was not a minor at that time…Acquiring a weapon is disobedient to law. I must say for every citizen laws of the nation shall be respected, it was eminently dangerous act

6. While hearing the case Justice P.D. Kode said that the liked autochthonous performances and advise to hit faith in himself and also termed the autochthonous as actor ‘number movie’.
7. ”Lage Raho Munnabhai” had inspired the people and authorities to follow, Gandhian principles. Sanjay Dutt today himself believed ‘Gandhigiri is meliorate than Dadagiri’. Even today there was programme in TV about the doctrine of Gandhian principles to slammer inmates.

8. Good wishes of fans, followers and relatives shall not go waste and also prayers and visits of Sanjay Dutt to temples and shrines. He will get the benefit with God’s grace as force of prayers shall remain as a guiding force and must move having faith in God.

9. From the newspapers it is learnt that crore of rupees are involved for the performance of Sanjay Dutt. The world goes on whether one is there or not. Though deeply remembered by all, movie options hit come up as to who will be the person to play Munnabhai- Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Arshad Warsi, Abhishek Bachhan, Salman Khan or Amir Khan.

10. Now we examine the force of international forces on the day of announcement of imprisonment. Astrologically speaking, the day and panchang was not good. The above interpret indicates the following.
i. Lagna nobleman person ruled by Mars.

ii. Var-Day was Tuesday ruled by Mars.

iii. Jupiter (judge and justice) in person ruled by Mars inspected by Mars from the 7th House.

iv. 12th House owned and ruled by Venus is the representative for jail/imprisonment. 12th nobleman Venus is in the grip of Rahu and Ketu is associated with Saturn and above all inspected by Mars.

v. The savers (a) the solarise was rising in Pusya Nakshtra ruled by Saturn and (b) Jupiter was movie by Anuradha Nakshtra also ruled by Saturn. The influence of Saturn and another malefic was heavy- hence the punishment ‘stated in the programme appears to he harsh’

Briefly the malefic contents were more on the Day of Judgment. The only remedy is to remember the God, be contented and wait for return of beatific time. Even the ‘Dasha’ as per above interpret was not beatific Mars-Mercury and followed by Mars-Ketu upto 4.1.200. Some relief may come in the month of August 2007 and Nov 2007 specially after 22-11-2007.

In the above write up it was inter alia indicated that whatever relief may come in the month of August 2007. The said write up was on the international forces a son 31st July, 2007- the fellow of judgment.

Though the bail is on whatever technical ground that is non-availability of sentiment of TADA movie dirt 20th August 2007- be that as it may- it amounts to whatever relief for the time being. This is what the newspapers report:

i. Metro Now dated 21-8-2007- ‘Bailed out-Qaidi Number C-15170 to walk discover of slammer on Tuesday.

ii. Bollywood relieved after Dutt’s interim bail order.

iii. Hindustan Times dated 21-8-2007 ‘Bollywood happy for Mummabhai

Let us wish for the best- God gesture and beatific luck.